Writer Bridget

Bridget Hayes lives in Northern California with her wife and two orange cats. She is a tech librarian who specializes in helping people overcome their fear of technology. She loves hiking, books, traveling, and flowers.Publications
Just Play A Song, Ink In Thirds Magazine, vol. 5, i.2
10 Poems, Ginosko Literary Journal, issue 32
Tracking, Ionosphere, issue 2
3 Poems, Vision & Verse ~ California Writers Club Ekphrastic Anthology
Sacred Passage, The Sitting Room Women Travel Writers Anthology
Flowers 2, Wild Roof Journal, June 2024
The Stretch of the Call, Yellow Arrow Journal, spring 2024
The Sponge, The Letters Home Collection
Forthcoming Publications
Predator, Bear Paw Arts Journal, issue 2
Veterans For Peace National Convention ~ August 2024
Yellow Arrow Journal ~ June 2024
She has won 1st and 2nd place ribbons for her poetry at the Sonoma County Fair. She is a member of the International Women's Writing Guild, Redwood Writers Club, and StoryCenter Alumni Writing Group.Say hello, she promises to write back.